Joanna Morris - JoJo Dragonflyer Flyer
Book 1/2/3
“Nothing’s the matter,” thought Joanna to herself, “Except I’ve seen a dragon!” She wondered if would anyone would be able to tell just by looking at her that something amazing had happened?. She went and stood in front of the mirror. She looked exactly the same as before - long brown straight hair (still in school plaits which she instantly pulled out) and brown eyes. A small girl - well smaller than everyone else in her class She took a step closer to the mirror and whispered to her reflection, “I’ve seen a dragon!”

Vincent Marlowe
Owner of the Brixton Caves.Otherwise known as The Alchemist
Book 1
''He was such a tall thin man that when he sat down his knees seemed to reach up to his chest. With his small round, bearded face and dark bright eyes that twinkled though his gold spectacles he always reminded Agnes of an owl perched up in a tree- a well dressed owl to be sure, in a dark suit, white shirt and highly polished black leather shoes.''

Spiky Mike Hill
Trainer at the Brixton Caves.
Book 1/2/3
''Vincent was surprised to see that the young man calling over to him was Mike Hill - known in the trade as Spiky Mike. Vincent knew only two things about him: his infamous quick temper and the fact that he was, despite his youth, the most talented of the new generation of dragon trainers.''

Isaac Ankama
Trainee Egg turner at the Brixton Caves.
Book 1/2/3
Sitting there side by side, Joanna could see the family resemblance so clearly. They had the same high forehead and narrow face, although Isaac was darker than his grandma. And even though he was taller and slimmer he leaned over the desk in exactly the same way as if concentrating all his attention on what he was doing.

Afra Power
Trainer of Hannibal Henry Oliver
Book 1/2/3
''Why her own family were always asking her when she was going to settle down and get a proper job. Still if she worked hard and made the most of all her opportunities perhaps she would become the first black female trainer to have a supreme champion. She liked to think of herself as belonging to a sisterhood of successful black women who were now really making their mark in the world of dragon racing.''

Hannibal Henry Oliver
Book 1/2/3
” Marius King flicked a switch and an athletic, good looking young man appeared on a huge screen on the wall.
“Hi everyone, it’s Hannibal; Stateside they call me H2O – cool but essential. I’ll be with you soon and I promise you I am number 1.”

Agnes Thomas
Egg Turner at the Brixton Caves
Book 1/2/3
Despite her seventy two years, Agnes was still as keen and as eager to work as she had ever been. She was an Egg Turner and her job was to turn the hatching dragon’s egg twice a day - once in the morning and once in the evening- during its fourteen months of incubation.

Marius King
Owner of the Royal Pavilion Caves, Brighton
Book 1/2/3
Marius King leant back into the softness of his black leather chair and let his eyes sweep quickly over the group of people sitting around his boardroom table. All attention was fixed upon him, awaiting his every word. He took time to enjoy the moment; knowing he was the perfect picture of wealth and power.

'Mouse' Marcia Chatfield
Joanna's best friend
Book 1/2/3
''By the time Lucia knocked on the door to announce that it was suppertime Joanna had discovered that Mouse, (so called because she was the smallest in the family - her real name was Marcia) came from an old dragon racing family; her parents owned the Blackpool Tower Dragon Caves and she had four older sisters who were either successful flyers or trainers.''

Dominic Pieterson
Flyer for the Sufflolk Caves
Book 2/3
Suddenly they saw a figure running across the sand. Joanna couldn’t see his face, but emblazoned across the back of his jacket was an enormous snarling golden cheetah.
‘Oh!’ said Joanna, her curiosity raised. ‘That must be Dominic Pieterson.

Ms Lotty Lupin
Fashion and sportswear designer
Joanna knew that Ms Lupin was just the most beautiful person she had ever seen. Her gorgeous face shone out from her long dark brown hair that flowed down her back in wave upon wave...
Madame Akua
WDRF President
Book 1
“Hey, Madam Akua, she’s President of the WDRF this year isn’t she!” remarked Hannibal, “ I remember goin’ with Mom to watch her at the speed trials in San Francisco the year she became Supreme Champion.''